My name was Katushka
And I lived for a long time
A long time ago now
I was not very good as a cat
In my long life, I remember
I never caught a mouse
Birds were far too difficult to catch
And it was all too time consuming
Anyway, I was a bit on the heavy side
And my tummy sagged
From an operation
Too embarrassing to discuss
I remember I used to
Sit on a cushion
By the window
In the sun
And sleep and dream
My life complete
O such cat heavenly peace
Then she would come
She would burst into what was called
The family room
And grab me
And hug me
And kiss me
And carry me upside down
Till the blood filled my head
And my nose dripped
She would brush
And blow dry
My fur
Sometimes, she would
Dress me in dolls clothes
And carry me around the big house
And once she cut my whiskers
I did not mind this behaviour
Because I was not a very
Dignified cat
And besides, I had
Nowhere else to live
And I loved her, of course
I was her baby I suppose
And she was just learning
Sometimes I would watch her
From under the chair
And wonder at her beauty
As she grew and grew
To a young women
In this place where I am now
I sometimes hear her calling me
“Tushka, Thuska”
They tell me
She has her own baby now
And he is a wonder
And that is good
But you know
I miss her very much
And cats are not meant
To be emotional
But then, I was never
Much good at being a cat
Johnny McEvoy, Christmas 2008 Greystones
That’s a cat life I sure think it must be nice to be one .Not Responsible for anything .I enjoyed this poem had a good laugh as well.Mind yourself my friend thanks for sharing.🥰👏🤣